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As COVID regulations loosen, China summer rail travel is anticipated to increase

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English -  Just in time for the summer transport season, which begins on July 1, train travel is anticipated to exp...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English -  Just in time for the summer transport season, which begins on July 1, train travel is anticipated to experience an increase in passengers as Chin
eases its months-long COVID-19 limits.

China's railway network is anticipated to carry 520 million passengers by the end of August, with 10 million travelling during peak hours.

The Xiangwan part of the Zhengzhou-Chongqing high-speed railway, the Puzheng section of the Jizheng high-speed railway, the Heruo Railway, and the Beijing Fengtai Station are just a few of the new stations that the national railway is opening.

Last summer, which lasts for 62 days and ends on August 31, there were 462 million passenger travels on the national railroad network.

Due to outbreaks caused by the highly contagious Delta form late last summer, travel was affected. As a result, authorities across the nation implemented measures such as mass testing for millions of people and varied degrees of travel restrictions in August. The food, transportation, lodging, and entertainment businesses were particularly heavily hit by the limitations.

456 million passenger journeys were done by train in the summer of 2020. The country's summer 2019 railway passenger traffic was 735 million trips, an increase of 69.256 million year over year or 10.4%, which was a far cry from pre-pandemic levels.

An increase in online searches for Chinese airline tickets on domestic and international routes was caused by Beijing's Wednesday reductions in COVID-19 quarantine regulations and modifications to its state-mandated smartphone app used for local travel.

The railway administration announced on Thursday that stringent regulations will continue to be applied to station cars, including temperature monitoring and code verification, dispersed waiting, ventilation and disinfection, reserved isolation seats, and strict supervision of train load rates.

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