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Factbox: Legal cases against Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English -  A source who knows about her secret trial said that Myanmar's former leader Aung San Suu Kyi was giv...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English -  A source who knows about her secret trial said that Myanmar's former leader Aung San Suu Kyi was given another three years in prison with hard labour on Friday for committing electoral fraud.

Suu Kyi was removed from power in a military coup in February 2021. The military said they had to do this because there were problems with an election that her party won by a huge margin that hadn't been fixed.

Here is a summary of her cases based on what Reuters learned from the trials that took place behind closed doors. Suu Kyi denies wrongdoing.

- Inciting violence because her party sent a letter to international groups while she was in jail, asking them not to recognise a military government (sentenced to two years in prison, Dec. 6, 2021).

The Official Secrets Act was broken. 14 years in prison is the most (trial ongoing).

- Breaking a law about preventing natural disasters by breaking COVID-19 rules while running for office (sentenced to two years in prison, Dec. 6, 2021, and again on Jan. 10, 2022).

- Violating import/export and telecommunications laws by possessing unlicensed walkie-talkies and signal jammers (sentenced Jan. 10 to two years and one year in jail, respectively, with sentences to be served concurrently) (sentenced Jan. 10 to two years and one year in jail, respectively, with sentences to be served concurrently).

- Putting pressure on the election commission (sentenced to three years in prison with hard labour, Sept. 2).

Eleven violations of laws against corruption. Each person could get up to 15 years in prison.

Some examples are:

* Using money from the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation, which Suu Kyi led, to build a house and renting government-owned land at a cheaper rate (sentenced to six years in prison, Aug. 15).

* Taking $600,000 and 11.4 kg of gold bars as bribes (sentenced to five years in prison, April 27).

* Renting a helicopter with state money was a waste of money (trial ongoing).

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