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Taiwan thanks the Navy for helping them deal with "indescribable" pressure from China

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English - President Tsai Ing-wen went to see sailors in Taiwan's navy to thank them for their work during Chin...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English - President Tsai Ing-wen went to see sailors in Taiwan's navy to thank them for their work during China's days of war games and military drills. She said the pressure they were under was "indescribable."

China, which says that democratically run Taiwan is part of its territory, has been holding these kinds of drills this month to show how angry it is about U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taipei.

When Tsai went to the Suao naval base on Taiwan's northeastern coast late Thursday, she told the sailors that it must have been hard to do their job in the small space of a ship.

"China's harassment and provocations outside of Taiwan's territorial waters make it even more important to always keep an eye on how enemy ships move. The pressure is so high that it can't be put into words, "The defense ministry released a video of what Tsai said.

She also said that the military has shown firm and unwavering courage and has responded calmly to protect maritime security and keep peace in the region.

Taiwan is like a navy ship, Tsai said.

"Even though the winds and waves can be hard to predict, as long as the people on board are working together, they can get through anything. This is the spirit of the people of Taiwan, as well as that of naval officers and sailors."

Tsai has said many times that Taiwan will not make the situation worse or provoke China during the crisis. The island's defense ministry has also stressed that Taiwan will respond "calmly" to what China is doing.

Even though China's drills are not as big as they were earlier in the month, Taiwan says that Chinese fighters and warships are still operating around the island.

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