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Low factory data fuel worries about global demand as oil prices decline

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English - As major petroleum producers gather this week to decide whether to raise supply, investors took in a gloo...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English - As major petroleum producers gather this week to decide whether to raise supply, investors took in a gloomy prognosis for fuel demand and the statistics showing a worldwide manufacturing slowdown. This led to a slight decline in oil prices on Tuesday.

By 0634 GMT, WTI crude prices were down 10 cents, or 0.1 percent, to $93.78 a barrel, while Brent crude futures had fallen 24 cents, or 0.2 percent, to $99.82 a barrel.

The decline followed a Monday session low for Brent futures of $99.09 a barrel, its lowest level since July 15. The benchmark price for U.S. crude fell as low as $92.42 a barrel, its lowest level since July 14.

According to a note by senior market analyst Edward Moya of OANDA, "Crude prices fell after a wealth of factory activity data suggested the world is headed towards a giant global economic contraction, and on expectations for more oil output following a very good earnings season for oil companies."

Concerns over a possible recession increased on Monday when surveys from the US, Europe, and Asia revealed that factories failed to gain momentum in July. Production was slowed down by China's rigorous COVID-19 regulations and waning worldwide demand.

The price declines also occur while market investors wait for the conclusion of a meeting on Wednesday between OPEC and its partners, including Russia, collectively known as OPEC+, to decide on September output.

Two out of eight OPEC+ sources surveyed by Reuters indicated that the meeting on August 3 would discuss a minor increase for September. The rest of the output is probably going to remain constant.

Saudi Arabia will press OPEC+ to expand oil production at the summit, according to a Fox Business news correspondent.

"Oil prices' rising impetus has been ebbing over time. Oil is anticipated to lead the slide in commodities once the supply and demand situation starts to get worse "Haitong Futures analysts stated.

In the meantime, the US imposed sanctions on Chinese and other companies on Monday in an effort to put more pressure on Tehran to curtail its nuclear programme. The US claimed that these companies assisted in the sale of Iranian oil and petrochemical products to East Asia worth tens of millions of dollars.

The likelihood that Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House, will travel to Taiwan despite Beijing's warnings against it also casts a shadow over the market. Since a prominent American official hasn't visited the island in over 25 years, the visit could increase tensions between the United States and China.

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