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Indonesians scale slippery tree trunks for games on Independence Day

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English -  In an annual competition staged to honor the nation's Independence Day on Wednesday, teams of Indo...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English -  In an annual competition staged to honor the nation's Independence Day on Wednesday, teams of Indonesians climbed over one another to reach rewards hanging from the top of slick tree trunks.

With the enormous island of 270 million people, 45 palm tree trunks that had been doused in oil were set up for the games at an entertainment park in the capital Jakarta.

The nation is commemorating 77 years since it formally broke away from Dutch authority.

It is the first such occasion in two years, following Indonesia's suspension of major public gatherings in order to reduce crowding and the risk of disease transmission during the COVID-19 epidemic.

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