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Hong Kong reduces the age for receiving the Sinovac vaccine to six months

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English - On Tuesday, Hong Kong lowered the age requirement for receiving the Sinovac vaccine from China. COVID-19 ...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English - On Tuesday, Hong Kong lowered the age requirement for receiving the Sinovac vaccine from China. COVID-19 increased from three years to six months after the virus was contracted by multiple young children.

Children and adults alike must receive at least three doses of the coronavirus vaccine in the Asian financial centre, which continues to maintain some of the strictest COVID measures in the world.

"Recently, the novel coronavirus has infected a number of young children. Extreme disease, and perhaps death, is a very worrying condition "In a statement announcing the age reduction, the government stated.

The government claimed to be in talks with China's Fosun, the supplier of the BioNtech vaccine used in Germany, to buy a child-specific version of that vaccine.

The BioNtech vaccination requires a five-year-old as the youngest patient.

More over 7 million residents of Hong Kong, or about 90% of the population, have received two doses of the coronavirus vaccination, and about 67 percent have received three.

Sinovac and BioNtech, both from China, are available to residents.

On Monday, a government advisory council suggested giving people over 50 a fourth dosage of the vaccination.

Since the pandemic began, the metropolis under Chinese administration has reported more than 1.3 million COVID cases and 9,500 fatalities, the majority of which happened in February and March because of the quickly proliferating Omicron variety.

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