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Access is now open after PayPal registers with Indonesia's licencing regulations

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English -  PayPal , a U.S. payments corporation, announced on Wednesday that it has registered as an electronic sys...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English -  PayPal, a U.S. payments corporation, announced on Wednesday that it has registered as an electronic systems operator in Indonesia and that its clients can now access its services.

Indonesia stopped a number of websites over the weekend for breaking new licencing regulations, including PayPal.

Companies had until July to register for the new laws, which would let authorities force platforms to provide the information of specific users and remove anything that is deemed illegal or "disturbs public order" within four hours if necessary and 24 hours if not.

The communications minister of Indonesia, Johnny G. Plate, warned citizens on Wednesday to stay away from unregistered services "to minimise a damage that may accrue, if...illegal acts occur in those private businesses."

The Communications Ministry claimed that after blocking access to services from the video game developer Valve Corporation, including Steam and Dota 2, on Saturday, it unblocked access to them on Tuesday.

The public and activists are concerned that the government may censor social media information, therefore the new licence regulations have stirred up debate.

Despite the fact that the licencing requirements were initially announced in 2020, businesses like Meta Platforms Inc. and its subsidiaries, which include Instagram and WhatsApp, as well as Alphabet Inc.'s Google (GOOGL.O), registered just hours or days before the deadline in late July. Additionally signed up were ByteDance's TikTok, Spotify, and Netflix.

With 270 million youthful, tech-savvy people, Indonesia is in the top 10 markets for the number of users for a variety of social media firms.

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