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Heart failure was discovered to be the Japanese Emperor Emeritus's condition improved

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English - The father of the current emperor of Japan , Emperor Emeritus Akihito, was diagnosed with heart failure l...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English - The father of the current emperor of Japan, Emperor Emeritus Akihito, was diagnosed with heart failure last month, but his condition has improved with treatment, according to a spokesperson for the Imperial Household Agency (IHA) on Tuesday.

In 2019, Akihito, 88, abdicated as the first Japanese emperor to do so in two centuries, citing doubts about his ability to handle the responsibilities of the position.

Heart failure is a disorder that can be addressed if the heart muscle is not pumping blood as well as it should. It is distinct from a heart attack, in which the heart's blood supply is suddenly cut off.

At the end of June, it was determined that Akihito had heart failure as a result of a malfunctioning heart valve. Since that time, he has been receiving medicine and has been had to limit his activity and fluid intake.

He is currently going about his daily business, the official said.

In addition to bringing the monarchy closer to common people, Akihito, the son of Emperor Hirohito, devoted a significant portion of his reign to mending the wounds of an Asian war fought in his father's name.

In 2015, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two, he made a break from prior comments and expressed "deep regret," which was perceived by some as an effort to preserve a legacy of pacifism that was being threatened by conservative Japanese nationalists.

On August 15, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the war's end, he made the following statement: "Looking back at the past, together with deep remorse over the war, I pray that this tragedy of war will not be repeated and together with the people, express my deep condolences for those who fell in battle and in the ravages of war."

Akihito, a physicist by profession, was the first member of the Japanese imperial line to wed Empress Emerita Michiko, a commoner he met while playing tennis.

The public admired Akihito and Michiko for their role in providing consolation in difficult times, like as when they knelt to chat to individuals at shelters following catastrophes, an act that was perceived as bringing them closer to the populace.

After a tsunami and earthquake in March 2011 wrecked most of northeast Japan and sparked a nuclear crisis, killing roughly 20,000 people, Akihito also delivered a historic TV address to the country.

According to Gautam Deshpande, an internal medicine specialist at St. Luke's International Hospital in Tokyo, heart failure is a highly prevalent diagnosis, especially among the elderly. It depicts a progressive weakening of the heart muscle.

Deshpande declared, "It's a very, very liveable condition." "It's not at all surprising for an active 88-year-old guy," the speaker said.

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