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Due to passenger limits, Qantas changes several departures from London Heathrow

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English -  An Australian airline spokeswoman said on Monday that Qantas Airways Ltd. has changed its flight schedul...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English -  An Australian airline spokeswoman said on Monday that Qantas Airways Ltd. has changed its flight schedule from London's Heathrow Airport in response to the hub's decision to reduce passenger capacity and minimise inconvenience.

In an effort to reduce wait times, luggage delays, and cancellations until September, the airline moved up the departure of its Sunday flight from London to Perth by three hours and moved it up by nine hours from Tuesday to London. Other modifications are still conceivable.

The Qantas spokeswoman stated, "We have two flights a day to London and we want to maintain them at all costs given that people's travel plans are at danger."

The plane will stop in Singapore for 11 hours before continuing on to Sydney as a result of moving the London-Singapore departure to Tuesday. Qantas will host passengers during this period.

The representative stated, "We've been able to work out a compromise that isn't ideal but will get our clients where they need to go. "We are still working with Heathrow to get this situation better."

Last week, the aviation data company OAG predicted that the Heathrow passenger limits will cost airlines $550 million in lost revenue.

Despite threats of legal action, Emirates said on Thursday that it had refused Heathrow's requests to reduce capacity and expected to keep running its six daily flights to the airport.

A day later, according to a joint statement from Heathrow and Emirates (, the airline located in Dubai and the airport came to an arrangement to ban future sales on flights departing from Heathrow through mid-August.

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