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Kim runs a military meeting amid a possible nuclear test

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English -   SEOUL In light of worries about a likely next nuclear test, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un contin...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English -  SEOUL In light of worries about a likely next nuclear test, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un continued to preside over the second day of the country's important party meeting on its military and defence policies on Wednesday, according to official media on Thursday.

According to Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), the meeting's participants discussed expanding the frontline units' operational responsibilities, altering operation schedules, and reorganising important military organisational formations. Kim also emphasised the significance of efforts to improve the frontline units' operational capabilities.

The meeting is being closely watched because it might reveal when the North will conduct its alleged weeks-long preparation for a nuclear test. According to South Korean sources, Kim would choose the time of the test, which might occur "at any time."

But on Wednesday, a representative of South Korea's presidential office suggested that North Korea might be delaying what would be its seventh nuclear test in light of China's political calendar and the country's COVID-19 scenario.

The military summit, which Kim Jong Un presided over on Tuesday, was said to be discussing important tasks to further improve the function and role of the military commissions at all levels as well as the military policy line and important defence policies of the party, according to KCNA.

Kim presented plans for the development of smaller nuclear weapons, hypersonic missiles, spy satellites, and drones last year.

He urged the military to "bolster up their strength in every way to annihilate the enemy" in April. This year, he has conducted an unprecedented number of ballistic missile tests, including those of powerful ICBMs, novel hypersonic missiles, and a short-range missile that may be used to carry tactical nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile, North Korea has lately announced an outbreak of an unknown intestine disease in its famed region. This has put additional burden on the impoverished nation's economy, which is already dealing with a wave of COVID-19 infections and ongoing food shortages.

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