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IMF claims that an agreement with Sri Lanka is on schedule

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English - In a release on Thursday, the International Monetary Financing stated that it held productive and cordial...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English - In a release on Thursday, the International Monetary Financing stated that it held productive and cordial conversations with Sri Lankan authorities regarding economic policies and reforms that would be supported by an IMF extended fund facility agreement.

The declaration raises expectations that the crisis-affected nation can stabilise its public finances and reassure creditors.

In order to secure a staff-level agreement on the EFF arrangement in the near future, the discussions will essentially continue, according to the IMF.

The 22 million-person island is experiencing its greatest financial crisis in decades, making it difficult for it to pay for imports of basic necessities and forcing it to make defaults on some of its foreign debt.

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