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3.5 million children in Bangladesh require safe water due to floods, according to UNICEF

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English -  According to UNICEF 's country representative, fifteen children have perished in Bangladesh's re...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English -  According to UNICEF's country representative, fifteen children have perished in Bangladesh's recent flash floods, and another 3.5 million people urgently require access to clean drinking water as the risk of waterborne infections rises.

"That is a staggeringly large number of kids, rising from the previous few days. Huge sections are completely under water and are cut off from food and safe drinking water sources. Right now, children need assistance "said Sheldon Yett.

Following severe flooding that affected a fourth of the South Asian nation, the government and aid organisations have hurried to offer help, including water and other supplies.

According to Yett, the floods have also interrupted medical facilities, closed schools, and prevented hundreds of children from receiving treatment for malnutrition.

By the middle of this week, there were 2,700 cases of diarrhoea, he noted.

Authorities in Bangladesh and its neighbouring India have issued alerts about the possibility of an epidemic. Over 4.5 million people have been left stranded and many have died in Bangladesh, many as a result of the worst floods the northeastern Sylhet region has seen in more than a century.

Helicopters from the Indian air force have been sent to the Assam state in eastern India to drop food and other supplies on isolated populations.

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